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✨This Month at FMUU✨

Services take place on Sundays at 11 AM CST


Join us at the church:

Unitarian Universalist Church of Fargo-Moorhead (FMUU)

 121 9th St S 

Fargo, ND


or log in via Zoom: Click here to join the Sunday Service at 11 AM CST

Past Services and Event Recordings Available:


Anchor 1

News and Upcoming Events

First Friday Potluck - Feb. 7 - 5:30-8 PM

Food, Games, and Making Valentines





Join us for our First Friday Potluck on Friday, February 7th from 5:30-8 PM.

We will be making homemade Valentine's! Bring your Valentine's card making supplies if you have any.

Bringing a dish to share is not required to attend. Please label all items and indicate if there are commonly avoided items such as meat, dairy, gluten, etc.

The church is also still collecting spices for the Food Pantry. If you have spices or empty spice containers to share, please bring them to the potluck!

All are welcome.

Ongoing Events


1st Friday of every month - 5:30-8 PM - First Friday Potluck.  Interested in helping out with a potluck? Contact Abby at

1st Sunday of every month - 12:30 PM - Social Justice Council Meeting. Interested in getting involved with social justice causes in the Fargo-Moorhead area? All are welcome! 

2nd Sunday of every month - 12:30 PM - Board Meeting - Members welcome. 

3rd Sunday of every month - 12:30 PM - Program Committee Meeting. Members welcome!​​

Red White And Pink Illustrative Valentines Day Instagram Post.png

February 2025 Services

February 9, 2025, 11 a.m. 

In-Person & Zoom service
Link to Sunday service online

Desensitization & Digitization: The Effects of Violence on Generation Z

with Leah DeHaan

Generation Z is a group of people whose worldviews have been shaped primarily by social media. In particular, the over-exposure of violence has been a staple of the vast majority of Generation Z's childhood and early adulthood. What impact has this had on the psyche, politics, and opinions of Generation Z? 

Leah DeHaan is a history student and community organizer at North Dakota State University. They might not be an expert, but they are passionate and excited to bring their ideas and life experience to the congregation.

February 16, 2025, 11 a.m. 

In-Person & Zoom service
Link to Sunday service online

You Can't Say That Here: Embracing Religious Language

with Tim Peterson

On Sunday, February 16th, Dr. Tim O. Peterson will share his own journey with religious language as both a Lutheran and a UU.

From Tim:

One of my biggest struggles in becoming a Unitarian Universalist was losing the sacred language of my Lutheran faith. Fredric Muir, UU minister says, “When we don’t use the language of faith, people outside our small circle of liberal religious friends don’t know what we are talking about.” They come through our doors seeking and leave just as fast confused. This is my journey in embracing the religious language of my Lutheran faith with a UU twist.

February 23, 2025, 11 a.m. 

In-Person & Zoom service
Link to Sunday service online

Heresy and Ecstasy: Love Poems for the Divine
with Rev. Karen Van Fossan

After centuries of obscurity, ancient manuscripts of the Odes of Solomon began to resurface in about 1785. In these loving and passionate odes, the divine is honored as one who pours forth “milk and honey to us,” sprinkles “upon us your dew,” and loves us “with fervent love.” In them, the divine is sometimes male, sometimes female, sometimes neither or both. What do these ancient words of adoration have to say to us today? Join us for part three of this three-part series on the heretical gospels, which looked at the Gospel of Mary (Magdalene) in December and the Gospel of Judas in January.

Rev. Karen Van Fossan is an abolitionist minister, trauma counselor, and ministerial director of SoulForce Center. Her memoir, A Fire at the Center: Solidarity, Whiteness, and Becoming a Water Protector, recently received the Nautilus Award and has been featured in Sojourners, Publisher’s Weekly, and Compulsive Reader. Beloved matriarch to a rambunctious chosen family, she lives in Fargo, North Dakota, and is pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry from Pacific School of Religion.


"Love is the spirit of this church, and service its law.

This is our great covenant: To dwell together in peace,

To seek the truth in love, And to help one another."

- James Vila Blake

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